Linking Better Sausage: It's All About The M's

Posted on: 5 April 2021

Linking sausage, especially with an industrial sausage linker, is both an art and a science. It takes some practice to be able to roll and twist the sausage at the same rate the machine is spitting it out. It also takes some science to get the sausage formula just right so your casings don't split and so that your sausage splits evenly. There are tons of guides out there with tips and advice for making sausage, and your linker itself probably comes with an instruction manual. Definitely check out these guides and manuals, but also know that successful industrial sausage linking really boils down to the 3 M's.


When a casing splits, or when you're cooking a sausage and it bursts through the casing, it is almost always because of a lack of moisture. An industrial sausage linker stretches casings out faster than you would stretch them if you were doing them by hand. In order to tolerate this stretching, the casings really need to be well-soaked. Immerse them in water at least two hours before you plan on using them. If you have three or four hours to soak them, that is even better. If the brand of casing you use is packaged in salt, make sure you rinse them before soaking. Also, make sure you have enough moisture in your sausage mixture. It should be just loose enough that it does not form into a cohesive patty in your hand.


There are a few characteristics of your sausage mixture to consider. When using an industrial linker, a fine to medium grind tends to work best. Too coarse a grind may cause the machine to fill the sausages unevenly since there may be air pockets between the ground pieces of meat. Also, you want your mixture to be even. You can achieve this by chopping or grinding everything together. Don't grind your meat finely and then add larger chunks of onion; they may get stuck in the machine.

Mate (Friend)

Finally, you need someone to help you run your industrial sausage linker — a mate or friend. This person can be your second set of hands, reaching to turn the machine off while you're still holding the sausage. They can grab a new tray when the current one is getting too heavy with sausage, and they can help spoon the mixture into the hopper as you hold the bowl. With a mate, you'll have a much easier time making bulk quantities of sausage.

With the 3 M's, you'll be better equipped to make good sausage with an industrial linker. Now, that's a tasty proposition!


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